LOOKING for honest reviews on new and old movies and series? we have you covered, in this new series, Odette Parfitt has you covered and lets us know if it’s worth the stream.
Basic plot:
Five high school students walk into detention and only four survive – and now those four are murder suspects. (The victim, Simon, is basically this generation’s Gossip Girl and has plenty of dirt – and, let’s be real, a horrible personality – that makes him altogether murder-able.)
How it was probably pitched to the producers:
Think Gossip Girl meets The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars meets everything that is wrong with social media journalism.
First off, let me apologise for all the high-school-based shows I’m putting you through, I promise there will be more variety soon.
That being said: for a teen show, this is a good one. Yes, the drama is very adolescent at times, but following four teenagers trying to solve a murder and being basically inept at it is oddly entertaining. The characters start out as stereotypes but become more and more likable as time passes (OK, mostly Nate, the Heath-Ledger-in-10-Things-I-Hate-About-You-inspired bad boy with a heart of gold; I have a type) and the drama is just-just high-stakes enough to keep you interested.
Bottom line – is it worth the stream?
Yes, I binged it. Sadly there were only two seasons, but it makes for fun and surprisingly light viewing; it’s not going to win awards or inspire you to look deeper but it’s very watchable.
Watch this if you like:
- Teenage Heath Ledger (who doesn’t?)
- Murder mysteries
- Light social commentary
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