Business Focus:
PERSONALIZED snack business, Wrapped has an interesting origin story with orders coming in before the business was even started, but owner Orcilla Rossouw would not have it any other way.
“My mom would see these wrapped goodies on social media and tell me, ‘You could easily make these’ and I’d just reply with an, ‘okay ….’ until one day she ordered the paper for me and told me I had few orders to complete,” says Rossouw, adding that the orders haven’t stopped since.
“I wouldn’t say there’s much of a story behind the name. It’s all pretty to the point, we wrap chocolates, sweets, and treats so we’re just that – Wrapped,” she says about her business name which much like her, thrives on ‘what you see is what you get’.
The primary school maths teacher from Kariega admits that she has never been particularly interested in party planning but now can’t get enough of being able to add to her customers’ special days.
She personalises popular snacks and treats for everything from weddings and anniversaries to kiddies’ parties and baptisms and says that her two-finger KitKats with the party theme emblazoned on them have been her best seller.
One product Rossouw did not expect would be so popular, however, is her lucky packets. These personalised treat bags filled with various snacks have been flying off shelves thanks to busy moms looking to make their kids’ parties stand out.
Wrapped is based in Kariega but orders have come in from all over Nelson Mandela Bay.
“The people of NMB have been extremely supportive of Wrapped. I don’t think I would have been Wrapped if it weren’t for the people of the Bay,” says Rossouw.
Her team consists of herself, her mom, and her brother and she says that starting the business called for a lot of trial and error before they managed to get everything perfectly sized and sorted.
All her products are by order and you can have a look at her creations on Instagram or Facebook.

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