The recently launched anti-drinking and driving campaign by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s Traffic Services has received support from the Methodist Church of Southern Africa Bishop Reverend Dr William Leleki.
The campaign which involves a free handover of self-testing alcohol breathalysers to drivers and residents, is an ongoing traffic law enforcement and awareness drive against drinking and driving.
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023, Bishop Leleki joined the traffic officers at a traffic law enforcement programme in Walmer Heugh Road, Walmer Township Taxi Rank and Walmer High School.
The campaign is implemented in collaboration with the Eastern Cape Liquor Board.
Drinking and driving has been identified as one of the major causes of accidents within Nelson Mandela Bay.
In October alone 131 motorists were arrested for drinking and driving in the region.
“As the church, we have to be part of the solution to social ills within our society. A lot of lives are lost due to drinking and driving, a problem that we think we can contribute as a church in changing people’s behaviours. Every life is precious, we cannot be bystanders. We will also be taking this message to all our churches across the province,” said Bishop Leleki.
During the traffic law enforcement programme held at Walmer Heugh Road, Bishop Leleki, accompanied by Metro acting head for Traffic and Licensing Services, Eric Tiso with the EC Liquor Board senior management handed over the self-testing breathalysers to motorists and taxi drivers.
The Metro will be visiting churches as part of the campaign to spread the message against drinking and driving. Leaders of the church have also been requested to spread the message within the churches they lead. This campaign is part of the build-up towards the festive season road safety programme.
The NMBM’s Tiso confirmed that Traffic Services will drive the campaign to become a national campaign.
“Today we are aiming to educate members of the public and drivers, urging them to work with us to reduce high numbers of accidents on the road that are caused by drinking and driving. We also understand that we cannot do it alone, it is for this reason that we have invited the church to work with us to save lives,” said Tiso.
(Picture: sourced)
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