LOOKING for honest reviews on new and old movies and series? we have you covered, in this new series, Odette Parfitt gives her views on new and old movies and lets us know if it’s worth the stream.
Platform: Prime Video
Basic plot:
Zoey is not on board with the concept of romantic love. For some reason, when a popular boy she barely knows gets a concussion and mistakes her for his girlfriend, she goes along with it and wins a free ski trip with his family. Egging her on in the background is her best friend whose name I’ve forgotten, who will basically support Zoey falling for just about anyone so she can stop her anti-love tirade.
How it was probably pitched to the producers:
Imagine a kind of amnesia that lets someone remember everything about their girlfriend except what she looks like – and then throw another girl at him and see what happens.
As you can tell, I’m not really on board with this very specific brand of amnesia. The guy literally remembers every detail about his girlfriend but not her face or voice.
Then, on top of this, Zoey spends 15 seconds professing how love is dumb and then immediately jumps into hijinks for a cute boy. Mmm, okay. You just tell yourself it’s because finding out you’re not his girlfriend will somehow make his head explode.
Third, for someone who has clearly been exposed to many romcoms through her mom and best friend, you’d think the girl would know how badly this kind of lie will for sure blow up in her face. There is literally no good way to spin “oh yeah, not really your girlfriend but coming on a ski trip and lying to your parents sounded like too much fun to pass up”.
The only sound decision this girl makes is when she stays at home during what appears to be a campus-wide rave, in order to hang out in her PJs and eat salted caramel ice cream.
Bottom line – is it worth the stream?
It actually really is, as long as you don’t expect something revolutionary. It’s fun, the leads do a good job and there is enough happening in the subplots to fill in the gaps. I would classify it as mildly charming but wouldn’t call it a must-see. Would I watch it again? Maybe.
Watch this if you like:
- Boys with strong eyebrow game
- Cutesy couple montages
- Sassy little sister characters
- Attractive Chilean pizza boys
- Romcoms, obviously
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