LOOKING for honest reviews on new and old movies and series? we have you covered, in this new series, Odette Parfitt has you covered and lets us know if it’s worth the stream.
Damsel (2024)
Platform: Netflix
Basic plot:
Elodie is a rich girl from an impoverished town where her dad is seemingly responsible for the welfare of the townspeople, so she has to marry a prince whose only facial expression indicates constant stomach cramps. What’s more, the royal family believes in throwing young girls at the feet of an angry dragon in the hopes that they won’t get chargrilled themselves. (Not spoilers, all of this is in the trailer.)
How it was probably pitched to the producers:
What’s the worst 90 Day Fiance scenario you can think of? That, but with dragons.
Overall this was enjoyable, though there were a few things I could be nitpicky on – and my
job is to review, so nitpicky I will be. There is a whole cast of familiar, talented faces who
largely seem to go to waste because Netflix is banking on Millie Bobby Brown and a lot of
the screen time and character development is reserved for her.
Elodie also spends a lot of her dragon-fighting time displaying some action-hero skills with
no real explanation of where she learned these things (aside from one minute of chopping
wood in the intro scene). Also, if we are to believe she is a hands-on farm-girl type, then her
nails should really not look that manicured.
If you can look past these minor oddities, the movie is entertaining enough. It doesn’t try to
be more than it is; it’s a female-led action movie and it sticks to that format without trying to
complicate the story – much – with added elements.
Bottom line – is it worth the stream?
If you’re in the right mood for this type of movie, yes.
Watch this if you like:
- Bad-ass female leads
- Eleven from Stranger Things
- The inimitable voice of Shohreh Aghdashloo (google her, you will know the face)
- Dragons
- Lengthy scenes about the torture that women went through to get dressed in
medieval times
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